Fantastic Permaculture lessons

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  1. 5 Most Epic Earth Healing Projects! | Andrew Millison ( video 12 min)

  2. How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory (video 18 min)

  3. Salvation Is In Soil | Florence Reed | TEDxDirigo | (video 13 min)

  4. Conquest of the Land Through 7,000 Years | W. C. Lowdermilk (paper, 1 hour)

  5. Excerpt from "Hope in a Changing Climate" | John D. Liu (video, 15 min)

  6. 75% of Earth's Land Areas Are Degraded | National Geographic (report, 10 min)

  7. Why Communities Should Invest in Regenerative Agriculture and the Soil Sponge. | Didi Pershouse (document, 10 min)

  8. How Wolves Change Rivers | Sustainable Human (video, 15 min)

  9. Regenerative Culture | Finian Makepeace | TEDxSantaCruz (video, 14 min)

  10. Soil Wealth: Investing in Regenerative Agriculture across Asset Classes | Christi Electris, Joshua Humphreys, Kristin Lang, David LaZaks, and Jaime Silverstein (report, 1 hour)

  11. Microbial activity in dry soils: Fungi awake bacteria from their slumber | AHABC (article, 2 min)

  12. Emergence of the Mechanical Mind and Its Dire Implications | Chelsea Green Publishing (excerpt, 4 min)

  13. Culture Burning | KCET (video, 18 min)

“If governments won’t solve the climate, hunger, health and democracy crisis, then the people will. Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the food crisis, the health crisis, the climate crisis and the crisis of democracy.”
— Dr. Vandana Shiva