Image from Regeneration International
Regenerate: Restore to a better state.
Regeneration is the process of renewal, restoration, and growth that makes genomes, cells, organisms, and ecosystems resilient to natural fluctuations or events that cause disturbance or damage. Every live organism is capable of regeneration—from bacteria and soil to floresta, water, biodiversity, and humans.
Regeneration is multifaceted, requiring change at all levels. The first step of regeneration begins with ourselves, and then it ripples out to our communities and circles—and beyond.
Implementing the 7 R’s is a great step towards regeneration in every way!
Why Regenerative Agriculture?
Regenerative agriculture aims to create farm systems that work in harmony with nature to improve quality of life for every creature involved. It encompasses any agricultural practice that improves soil health, provides economic stability for farmers, and creates resilient ecosystems and communities, resulting in both carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle. Regenerative farming techniques include: agroforestry systems, organic farming, hydroponics, aquaponics, regenerative medicine and regenerative grazing.
Kiss the Ground and Jungle Project are teaming up to solve world hunger and reverse the climate crisis. Jungle Project is a regenerative enterprise dedicated to trees, training, and trade.
Through the promotion of its tropical agroforestry model, it establishes and researches underutilized crops like breadfruit, a tree native to the Pacific islands. Jungle Project works with smallholder farmers to build biodiverse supply webs, supports farming communities, diversifies farmer production and income, and fosters the investigation and development of value-added products sourced from farmers’ edible forest gardens.
Kiss the Ground is a recent documentary on Netflix. Featuring Woody Harrelson, it goes deep into regenerative agriculture and provides a positive narrative on how regenerative farming techniques, in collaboration with healthy soil microbes, can reverse the effects of climate change, all while healing ecosystems, recreating our food supply chains, and nurturing the powerful effects of soil sequestration.
Kiss the Ground’s ethos is directed at the agricultural industry and the global network of farmers to bring our attention to the irreversible damage that has been done to our health as a collective, and to the health of our ecosystems.
Regeneration LEaders
We believe that Regenerative Agriculture can reverse climate change, while providing a solution for malnutrition and world hunger.
Soil is the Solution to regeneration of the health and wealth of our self, communities and planet!
Touring our Farm all about Regenerative Living and Agriculture
We are all full of magic. We are all forces of nature.
"We showed that we are united and that we, young people, are unstoppable."
—Greta Thunberg, UN Youth Climate Summit, New York City, 21 September 2019
Mantra for Regeneration:
Action speaks.
Words must be impeccable.
Do the best you can.
Don't take anything personally.
First. Love. Yourself. F.L.Y.
Serve others how you want to be treated.
Receive and give.
Listen to intuition.
Empower farmers.
Check in with your heart.
Follow your passions.
Protect this earth.
Stand as a steward of the lands.
“We are all part of the global climate solution. The climate crisis we are experiencing is also an opportunity for change—a call to connect with ourselves and our surroundings (our ecosystems). Our generation can prevent irreparable damage to our planet. The Earth, Gaia, Mother Nature is alive and conscious, and our bodies are an extension of her.