Picture taken by Gilad Sarusi of our farm Fairy Farm
Costa Rica Regenerative Living
We see so many people talking about sustainability, but we must turn our words into action. Today, it is our dream to inspire others to regenerate their reality.
We have extracted so much from the earth and waters that our planet and body are out of balance.
The climate is changing, and so are we. But there is still time to restore ourselves and this earth.
Costa Rica is known for its environmental and conservation efforts, yet it is still the highest user of agrochemical toxins per meter in the world. Floods of expats are moving to the country, repeating old patterns of colonization as they chop down the jungles, pollute the waters, and develop fancy hotels or retreat centers.
“Costa Rica receives over 1.7 million tourists per year, the majority of whom come from the United States and Canada.” Tourism is Costa Rica's largest industry, but what kind of impact do we have?
On a positive note, many people are awakening to the idea of regeneration, homesteading, and permaculture tools. Costa Rica is a hub for tropical fruit fanatics and permaculturists, and the country hosts an impressive 6 percent of the world’s total biodiversity.
We need to shift our mindset, change our habits, and live regeneratively.
When we start to think about living in community and dwelling in nature, it is so important that we conserve existing habitats and jungles, reforest degraded grasslands or pastures with native biodiversity, or simply leave nature to regenerate herself without our interference, planting the trees that will one day feed generations. Read more regenerative education!
We are part of nature, and like nature we each have the potential for regeneration within us. Nature would heal itself if left untouched by humans. However, due to the extraction and destruction we have caused as a species, we must actively work with nature and choose to leave it better than we found it.
Every live organism is capable of regeneration—from bacteria and soil to floresta, water, biodiversity, and humans. We love Kiss the Ground’s definition of this popular buzzword:
“Regeneration is more than a tool to sequester carbon. It’s the path to honoring Indigenous wisdom and practices that will build resiliency and abundance for future generations.”
Regeneration can happen in our body and our environment, restoring our inner and outer landscape.
What does regeneration of the body look like? It means purifying our vessel (the body) with pure waters, organic foods, regular exercise, sleep, and rest. It means taking wellness days when needed. We restore the life force within when we get “high” on healthy activities that make us feel alive.
What does regeneration of the earth look like? It means to compost our organic materials, to plant seeds with the cycles, to tend to our gardens, to steward our lands, and to vote with our consumption.
Regeneration is multifaceted, requiring change at all levels. The first step of regeneration begins with us, and then it ripples out to our communities and circles—and beyond.
Living Regeneration in Action
“Five years ago, my partner, Alan and I moved to Costa Rica, where we are now 50% food sovereign and have reduced 80% of our expenses. Together, we steward 2.5 acres and have planted thousands of edible fruit trees, along with annuals, medicinals, and perennial gardens. We produce much of what we consume and strive to walk each step with love and care for ourselves and the earth.”
~Regenerate Your Reality, The Book
How? Growing our way out of crisis. Yes, literally.
Plant. Grow. Expand.
This past year we taught a bamboo course in collaboration with Chef Eric Rivkin about methods of treating bamboo (3 species for building grown on the farm), including a live demonstration of bamboo curing using the gravity method. We discussed functional, elegant joint-tying methods with durable materials, and lastly learned how to make simple bamboo boards. Bamboo is one of the most abundant sustainable natural resources we can build with. Stay tuned for our next bamboo masterclass.
Regenerate in All Ways
We must take steps towards our dreams by contributing towards the betterment of our ecosystems. We can be part of making our home planet better than we found it.
Ready to get deeper into regeneration? Regenerate Your Reality: Your Guide to Regenerative Living, Love, Happiness, & Sovereignty is available to order.
Much of the proceeds from this book will be filtered back to regenerative community-based farming models and planting trees that feed through Kiss the Ground and Jungle Project!